We Only Love God through Knowing Him First
Here at St. Ann, we are working to expand both catechesis program for children and adults. Please use the form below to register your child for catechism, faith enrichment courses and especially for First Communion (2nd grade) and Confirmation Class (8th grade/Freshman). Currently, we offer classes on Sunday mornings from early September until May from 8:30am-9:45am. Proposed additional courses for non-sacramental years will include a pre-First Communion intro in to the basics of the Faith for K-1st grade. 3rd-5th grade Catechsim, Middle School courses, and High School enrichment in particular topics of the Faith (Scripture, Morality, Music, Liturgy, History). Regardless of whether your child uses public school or is home schooled, being able to interact with other children in the same age group about faith-related topics not only builds one's knowledge of the Faith, but also helps to form serious Christ-centered relationships at adolescence.