Screen Shot 2020 06 19 At 11.12.48 PmYou are the primary educator for your children.  The parish is here to help and support you in that role.  In that regard we offer the following: 

St. James Catholic School offers daily religious instruction as a part of our comprehensive Christ-centered curriculum.  

For various reasons, some parishioners choose to homeschool or educate their children in public schools.  For these families, we offer a program called Confraternity of Christian Doctrine or CCD.  This is equivalent to what some parishes call "Parish School of Religion"  Through these weekly classes, trained catechists share their faith with our students to help them grow in their love for Jesus Christ.  

Classes run on the same schedule as the academic year (Sep-May).  

Have questions? Contact us. We'd be delighted to answer them.



Looking to go deeper in you knowledge of and relationship with God?

Other men and women just like you, want to help you. They host groups where, together, you can learn how God is speaking to you through Scripture, Tradition, and even your own experience.

You can find more information about upcoming Bible Studies by watching the announcements in the bulletin:



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Our Catholicism Classes are open to any individual who wishes to learn more about the Catholic Faith.  This can include non-Catholics who are interested in joining the Catholic Church as well as baptized Catholics who would simply like to learn more or take a refresher course on the what? and why? of basic Catholic beliefs.  Classes for 2020-2021 begin on Sunday, October 4 at 10:15am.  For more information, please click the link below.  

The process when any person over the age of seven desires to become Catholic or to complete their process of full initiation is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). 

RCIA is more than a class. It is a liturgical process whereby a person is drawn deeper into the great mysteries of the faith. Worship and teaching blend together and people learn the practices and teachings of the Christian way of life gradually. 

Fully-initiated adults sponsor them and accompany them in the process; Catechists teach them in the process; and the entire parish community prays for them in the Mass in order to help prepare them for entrance into full communion with Christ's Mystical Body at Easter.

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, we'd be happy to answer your questions.


Still not ready to contact us? 


Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you... - 1 Peter 3:15.  

Our Life in Christ - what we call "Discipleship" - is fostered by in-person encounters, primarily in the Sacraments (Baptism, The Eucharistic Sacrifice, Confession, etc.).  However, we are called to continue to grow in our knowledge of Christ through on-going formation.  While we provide opportunities in the parish for this, we also recognize that life circumstances, busy schedules and family obligations do not always allow each of our parishioners to take part.

 Therefore, we provide here links to various resources (Radio, On-Line, On-demand, etc.) which you may use in your spare time to pursue this life-long endeavor of growing in your knowledge and love of Jesus Christ, and in His Bride, the Church.  

  • KEXS Catholic Radio is available at 106.7 FM in St. Joseph (and during daylight hours on 1090 AM).  They are also available on other radio frequencies throughout Missouri, Kansas and Colorado.  This provides the opportunity to learn while you drive, work, etc.  
  • Catholic Answers provides the world's largest searchable database of questions and answers about the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Faith.  They provide tracts, books, videos, even a daily live call-in show!  
  • EWTN Global Catholic Television network provides 24-7 content which is broadcast on most major satellite and cable providers (including Suddenlink).  Their programing is also available through streaming.